Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas was a Hit
Well I guess all our hard work and shopping paid off. We had a great Christmas and the boys had so much fun Christmas morning. They woke up at their normal time, 7:30am and came into our room to try and persuade us to get up. After a bit of family cuddling time, Rob went downstairs to make sure the video camera was hooked up, then he called us down. Spencer was the first one down and he went straight to his Santa gifts. Powerful Pokemon cards, Ladanian Tomlinson figure, and Charger ball cap! For Carter, a sweet car racing track with Hot Wheels. Very shortly after their discovery it was off to their presents under the tree. Spencer had organized all the gifts the day before into their own piles by name, so that they were easier to open, and he quickly opened his first.
But surprisingly, after his first present his focus changed to having Rob open the present that he (& Carter) had picked out for him. He insisted he open it and was so excited! Rob then opened his John Elway, Denver Bronco t-shirt, so sweet....and I was so impressed.
The rest of the morning was typical. Carter opening every present he could get his hands on, whether it was his or not, he didn't care. It was hilarious! He had such a good time ripping off the paper and moving on to the next. The front room was covered in wrapping paper and the presents somewhere underneath all the mess. We are so lucky and had so much fun. Thanks to all of you for the Christmas presents! WE love them!
For the remainder of the day, the boys just played and played and played and we were able to talk to most everyone even my parents from Germany, yay! -(I must say mom, I'm so impressed that you didn't even cry on the phone! You're growing up over there lady....luv ya!) Rob and I got busy in the kitchen making Stuffed Flank Steak in the dutch oven, roasted potatoes, Hawaiian Nut Bread, and garlic-bacon green beans. It was yummy! but it was a 3+ hour operation. (yes, sometimes we wonder why we always do this on the holidays) And then we had a Christmas visitor, Sister Pettey, who came over to see all the boys' lute. She's so great! The boys grab her attention and love it when she gets down and plays with them. After all the excitement and sugar, we finally put Carter to bed. I fiinished helping Spencer build his Star Wars Legos, which he is so good at, and then he went to bed too. I watched one of my favorite shows, especially since it was Christmas, The Family Man, and then we called it a day. Merry Christmas!
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10:45 AM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Birthday Boy
The countdown is finally over. Spencer turned 7 today. Miraculously, to start the day off, I beat him downstairs, (He's always the first one up in our household) and made him the breakfast of his choice. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon. As soon as he woke up, he started asking if he could open 1 present. So after he was finished eating, I brought 1 down for him to open. A Charger's shirt and knit beanie. He loved it, especially the beanie! He ate the candy in the avent calendar, -which apparently he'd been stocking up as a special surprise for his birthday, about 6 candies, compared to 2, and is currently watching Scooby Doo with the school delay. I even decided he could have hot lunch today. -that's right, special treatment, for a special boy. Oh the simple things kids love- I'm sure he'll soak it all up as the birthday boy and have a million special requests because it's his birthday, but he really deserves it. He's the best kid. So sweet, obedient, fun, and darn cute too. We love our Spencer. Happy Birthday Bud!
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8:17 AM
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving Extravaganza!
This year's Thanksgiving was so wonderful. We were able to enjoy 2 turkey feasts with all of our wonderful family. -I know how lucky are we?! And the only way this was accomplished was that one feast took place during lunch, the other dinner. Needless to say, we had our fill. We traveled to Idaho to see all of Rob's family and had such a great time! Besides all the good food, it was so fun to see everyone, catch up a little bit, and just enjoy being surrounded by great people. Spencer and Carter had so much fun and were spoiled by all. (Thanks Gma & Gpa's, Aunts & Uncles!)
I was even able to travel to Utah with the boys and spend a wonderful day with my sisters and their kids. -Whenever we get together, it seems we laugh so much and it's never long enough, but I was so grateful to see them, especially Leslie and little Oscar. He is so cute and I loved seeing Leslie as a mom. She's the best little mom and is doing a great job! (I love you Les!)
We made the long drive both ways all in one day and Rob & I have decided that this is the way to go. The boys were so pleasant and it beats packing twice, getting a hotel, paying for the hotel, and wasting 2 extra days in the car.
Thanksgiving is such a great time to be reminded of the things I'm most grateful for--the long-living Harris tradition is to name 3 things we're grateful by putting 3candy corns in a small dish and passing it around the table. So staying true to my roots the 3 things I'm grateful for this year are: 1-My Family (who I love very much! & mom and dad I miss you tons!), 2-The Gospel (It's Truth, Meaning, and Direction it gives to my life), and 3-Sis. Pettey (because she gives so unselfishly to me and my family)
Happy Thanksgiving!
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12:19 PM