A few nights ago I was putting Spencer & Carter down for the night. I had crawled into bed with them on the lower bunk and we were snuggled in tight. I sang a few songs and thought that it was time for Spencer to go up to the top. I asked Spencer if he would climb up,....but he started crying. Not any old tears, but the kind that looked so sad and heartbroken. I had no idea what had upset him. I asked him if he wanted to stay with Carter, or if he wanted me to stay longer. After many questions with no reply, I finally got it out of him. This is what he said, "I don't want you to die." ---Now I have to be honest here. Spencer is such a good kid, does what we ask him, loves to please others, is very good natured, ...truly one of the best kids out there-- that I began to wonder if Spencer knew something that I didn't. This freaked me out a little to say the least, but of course my tender boy's feelings were hanging in the balance and he needed some understanding, so then I told him I wasn't going anywhere! Mom was here to stay for a long, long time! That I wasn't sick, I take good care of myself, and I have a looooooot of good years left!!!!!!!!! (Right, little buddy?) And then I tried to explain that heaven forbid something happened to any one of us, (again, I hope not me) that it will be okay because families are forever. If we do the best we can with what we know, we will live with each other up in heaven forever. I have never been hit so strongly with my testimony of this and the Spirit about something so, so important before. I don't do this enough, but I bore my testimony to my little Spencer about the plan of happiness and about how much we are loved by our Heavenly Father & Jesus and about how they have made it possible so we can be together. I was instantly so grateful for my little Spencer and all that I have and know. And boy did I rededicate myself to be better! It sure made an impression on my night about how much I love my kids and about how important it is for me to live in a way that mirrors my beliefs in the gospel. I started saying that we will never miss FHE again! Rob and I need to go to the temple asap, and the list went on and on. I'm so grateful I have a child that inspires and reminds me to be good. Spencer spurred on some real thought provoking perspective on the future for me and how I want our family to be.
Thanks Spence for caring so much and for being such an amazing kid! You are so, so special! You are so likable and genuine. Never change little buddy. Luv you tons!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
A Bedtime I'll Never Forget
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9:57 AM
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Our Little Mischief Maker
Do not be fooled by this cute, innocent, pie-filled smile. He is not so innocent ---at least not in the following instance:
Carter's a busy boy. He tends to get into a little bit of trouble because he likes exploring and trying new things a bit too much sometimes. Well this particular "new thing" I would like to share and remember, because I'm sure it will someday be as funny as Rob thought it was when I called and told him about it.
Here's how it happened....
So I'm upstairs on the computer checking my email, while Carter was putting the blocks away downstairs, (or so I thought) And oh...about 10-15 minutes had passed and I heard him coming up the stairs. He came running into the room with his hand full of candy wrappers and a huge piece of candy half in-half out of his mouth. I asked him where he got the candy. So we went back downstairs so he could show me and to my surprise I find out that he is now able to climb over the gate which blocks off the kitchen. On the other side of the gate were candy wrappers everywhere. -Needless to say he'd had his fill, but this is not the topper. The candy part was actually quite funny, the rest not so much. Upon looking around my front room/dining area, Carter apparently, (now this is all a guess as to how this all took place as I wasn't downstairs at the time, but I imagine this is how it happened.) Carter took his cup from off the kitchen table, dipped it in Lincoln's litter box and filled it as full as he possibly could, chased Lincoln all around the front room throwing cat litter at him. -Now I heard him laughing and saying "Meow Meow" from upstairs, but I had no idea what he was up to! I thought he was just playing innocently with the cat. He had thrown cat litter all over! And I mean all over! It was on the kitchen table, the kitchen floor, the high chair, on top and inside the box of russet potatoes, the front room, the couch, the chair, and even the window sill!!!! Seriously, it was not very funny. Just try and imagine this picture. I blew a little, well actually a lot. Not only had he made a huge mess which took me over an hour to clean up, he had been scooping cat litter and been next to Lincoln's shtuff! ---No, there was no poop strewn about, but there might as well have been.
I have no idea where this kid comes up with this stuff. Really makes you want to get inside that kid's head and just listen to all those crazy thoughts! He's rather smart, and I think he just gets bored and creative at the same time.
Unfortunately my over-reaction did not quash this new found fun activity. He did it a few days later. He didn't make as much mess as the first time, but none the less, I was at a loss for words. Not sure how to communicate that we do not get in the cat's litter box, nor do we scoop it up and throw it around the house! I guess we'll just have to work at breaking down this communication barrier. I just hope it doesn't happen again.
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10:08 PM